How to Ask for a Raise

How to Ask for a Raise

( – With the economy on shaky ground, just about everyone needs a little boost to get back on track again. Taking on a little side gig, or even a second job, might be a viable option, but it isn’t for everyone. If you can’t spare the time, it might be time to consider asking your boss for more money. Here’s how to ensure you get an emphatic “yes” when you do.

What You’ll Bring to the Table

Ah, it’s sit down time.

…With your manager, that is!

You’re all ready to ask for that raise. You’ve prepared a little speech and have everything memorized to a T. The only problem is your mind just went blank. That’s a problem — and you need to prepare for it well in advance.

There are things you should really have down pat before walking into a meeting about money with your boss. Ultimately, you want to outline everything you’ve achieved and just why the heck you’re worth the raise in the first place.

You might note that you:

    • Spearheaded a campaign that reeled in a 30% increase in revenue.
    • Created an advertisement that drove sales by 20%.
    • Closed successful deals and transactions several times this past quarter.
  • Successfully trained six new employees, including one with no experience.
  • Saved a big account when the client was about to walk away angry.

The key, here, is to assert what you bring to the table without bragging. Always be ready to reiterate on what you’ve brought to the company. No accomplishment should go unnoticed, and a good boss will recognize this, too.

Back Up Your Claim

An annual salary increase of at least 10% may seem daunting, but you know you’re worth it. In order to get the boss on board, you have to back it up. You’ve already highlighted what you’ve done so far; now back it up with some facts.

Make notes answering the following:

  • What is the average salary for your position in your geographic location?
  • Which job duties did you cover that weren’t in your original job description?
  • How do you go above and beyond your regular job duties?
  • Have you achieved any awards, kudos, or special prizes at work?

You can also compare your salary with this helpful tool from Glassdoor for a better idea of local averages. This may help if you encounter resistance along the way.

Bring Up Your Last Review

One of the highlights of your meeting should be referencing back to your original review from the year prior. Show how much you’ve improved and what all you have done to be a better employee. Highlight which wage you started at, how you would like to proceed, and the fact that you want the opportunity to make more money. Be fair with your request, but don’t be afraid to back it up.

My How You’ve Grown

At the end of the day, how has your job enriched your life? What have you learned? Share these facts with your employer; it lets them know how they’ve helped you. The fact that you are sharing how much you have gained by being a dutiful employee can increase your chances of better pay.

Asking for a raise doesn’t have to be intimidating, and there’s no need to feel bad about talking about money, either. Just stay calm, keep your mind sharp, and let your boss know what you need. Above all else, remember that the best way to land a raise is to walk into the meeting with a positive attitude and a natural smile.

~Here’s to Your Success!

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