Pisces Horoscope

Oct 12, 2024… Your philosophical side could be peeking out today and you can discover unique ways to find your spiritual groove, Pisces. The timing for this vibe will be perfect, so follow any intention you may have to explore. You can experience joy in both responsibilities and leisure as you’ll be on the path to meld your body and spirit health into one big ball of feeling great.

Today’s Soul Advice: Experiencing loss is hard on the soul. Take time to allow yourself to mourn, feeling all the emotions that come with this. It’s okay to break down and cry, and it’s even okay to scream at the sky if you need to. Holding it in and trying to put on a brave face can damage your body and vibe. Remember, though, it’s okay to experience positivity, too. If you find yourself laughing and smiling while you’re in mourning, that’s all part of the healing process.