Whether you’re a college student or you simply love to learn, you probably want to know some study tips to help you perform at your best. Experiencing a slow learning process can discourage you from becoming a wiz at something new, but you shouldn’t hold yourself back.
You can scientifically assign things to memory, which is much more efficient than cramming and hoping for the best.
In this video, you’ll find 13 tips to help you study the scientific way. Taking this advice could be your first step toward a perfect study routine!
Study Tips
1. Spaced Repetition
Keep your study sessions short, yet frequent throughout your week. This gives your brain the maximum ability to retain all of the information you need to remember.
2. Find Out Your Own Style
Everybody has their own learning style, so find the one that works best for you! You don’t have to have the same routine as your classmates.
3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Dreams are important to storing information, so make sure you’re getting REM sleep, too. Short naps are not enough to help your brain recover.
4. Focus
With all the technology we have surrounded ourselves with, it is easy to become sidetracked from our studies. Eliminate distractions to keep your brain on track.
5. Pomodoro Technique
Small breaks between chunks of focused studying can keep you consistently motivated for extended periods of time.
6. Hard Stuff First
If you get the biggest things out of the way, it frees your brain up for the rest of the day. This also motivates you to get other things done that day, so start off strong!
7. Exercise, Meditate, and Converse
These three activities can grow neurons in your brain, which increases your overall potential to learn quickly.
8. Go Places
A study showed that students who changed their environment retained random information 40% better than students who stayed in the same room while doing schoolwork.
9. Take Fun Seriously
This is the best tip! According to modern learning science, better moods help the brain retain more information.
10. Space Your Studies
Study things in spaced intervals to help you remember information for extended periods of time. A study shows that long-term learning potential is best when the material is reviewed 1-2 days, 1 week, and 1 month after initial learning.
11. 30% Read, 70% Recite
This ratio seems to provide great results when trying to remember information. It almost seems counterintuitive, but it works.
12. Instant Self Test
You can learn 30% better if you quiz yourself directly after you review something. If you keep forgetting what you just read, quiz yourself after every section.
13. Don’t Force It
You can’t force yourself to be motivated, so use your time wisely. If you’re really feeling unproductive you don’t need to force yourself to work.
For more studying tips, consider our article Mistakes Students Make While Studying And What To Do Instead.